LinkedIn Blogs

I’ve been doing project and program management for many years, and have written a couple of blogs that are aimed at project managers.  These are hosted on LinkedIn and links are below:

Projects with benefits:

The benefit statement(s) attached to a project are key to the process of benefit management.  Despite this, at the time of writing this blog there was no info or guidelines online about how to write a decent project benefit statement.  This blog provides the project manager / product owner with a framework for a consistent and effective approach to benefit tracking and management.

Some tips for project managers:

Over the years I’ve picked up a few insights into how to be an effective project manager, and I DON’T mean how to tick the boxes of a specific PM methodology.  There’s some useful pointers in this article, which is a bit lighter in tone than the others listed here!

Data migration – key concepts for the project manager:

I’ve managed 4 data migration projects in my time, the most notable being the migration of BBC Bitesize in 2014.  They are fun but usually quite tough.  This primer gives the project manager (and anyone on the project team) a lexicon and some  insights that are key to a successful migration.

Understanding ontologies – a non-technical overview:

The concept of an ontology is fundamentally simple, and this article provides enough information for a project manager to understand the core concepts and engage with a technical project team.