The micro:bit house (6) – furniture

A house has to have furniture… bearing in mind that I was emulating a lounge I added the following:

A couch:

The couch serves the dual purpose of being a couch as well as hiding the unsightly side struts of the floor.

Its made out of polystyrene, then covered with a large sticker to give it strength and to prevent it dissolving over time.  The idea of covering polystyrene with stickers to preserve it is a good one (idk where I got it from) and every maker should have some polystyrene and sticker paper in their repertoire!

A table:

The table is built with (yep!) louvres as well as a couple of bits of doweling rod.  I covered it with a sticker to make it look more micro:bit:

The TV sits on the table.


More louvres again!  Components are described below:

  1. The shelf upright.  Vertical louvres at the back (not shown) support the horizontal ones.  Gaps are carefully calibrated to ensure the shelves (2) can slot in.
  2. Shelves.  The higher one in the picture is a top view – the dark wood is the visible shelf.  The shorter, lighter piece of louvre glued to the bottom fits into the gaps between the louvres in (1)
  3. A polymorph base perfectly shaped to fit (1) into.  Its easily weighty enough to hold everything up.

Once built chuck some bling on (including the book) and pop it into the back right corner behind the couch.

Next: The micro:bit house (7) – electronics

The micro:bit house blog has 10 separate chapters:


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